Our legacy may be in broadcast radio, and our present in podcasts, but the future of storytelling requires us to meet the audience where they are.


Why APM Studios?

American Public Media has a rich history of serving the common good—delivering relevant, timely, and human stories that build community. But media is a constantly shifting landscape, and these are not business as usual times.

We believe that to further serve and grow our community, APM Studios must now build a sustainable business.

Our goal - more stories, for a more diverse audience, creating the kind of value that now sustains community.

Contact APM Studios for more info.

Our Mission

Stories move us to rethink the world. The voices, perspectives, and realities we experience show us who we are and illuminate the connections between people. At APM Studios, we’re on a mission to break down the boundaries between what we see and what we can imagine.

Our Purpose

Inspire change by bringing emotion to intellect.